Source code for gwpopulation_pipe.common_format

import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser

import dill
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bilby.core.result import read_in_result
from bilby.core.utils import logger
from gwpopulation.backend import set_backend, SUPPORTED_BACKENDS
from gwpopulation.utils import to_numpy, xp
from tqdm import tqdm

from .data_analysis import load_model
from .data_collection import evaluate_prior
from .utils import prior_conversion
from .vt_helper import load_injection_data

[docs] def create_parser(): import wcosmo parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-r", "--result-file", help="Bilby result file") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--samples-file", help="File containing single event samples" ) parser.add_argument("--injection-file", help="File containing injections") parser.add_argument("-f", "--filename", default=None, help="Output file name") parser.add_argument("--max-redshift", default=2.3, type=float) parser.add_argument("--minimum-mass", default=2, type=float) parser.add_argument("--maximum-mass", default=100, type=float) parser.add_argument( "--n-events", type=int, default=None, help="Number of events to draw" ) parser.add_argument( "--n-samples", type=int, default=5000, help="The number of population samples to use, default=5000", ) parser.add_argument( "--vt-ifar-threshold", type=float, default=1, help="IFAR threshold for resampling injections", ) parser.add_argument( "--vt-snr-threshold", type=float, default=11, help="IFAR threshold for resampling injections. " "This is only used for O1/O2 injections", ) parser.add_argument( "--distance-prior", default="euclidean", help="Distance prior format, e.g., euclidean, comoving", ) parser.add_argument( "--mass-prior", default="flat-detector", help="Mass prior, only flat-detector is implemented", ) parser.add_argument( "--spin-prior", default="component", help="Spin prior, this should be either component or gaussian", ) parser.add_argument( "--backend", default="jax", choices=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS, help="The backend to use, default is jax", ) parser.add_argument( "--cosmo", action="store_true", help="Whether to fit cosmological parameters." ) parser.add_argument( "--cosmology", type=str, default="Planck15", help=( "Cosmology to use for the analysis, this should be one of " f"{', '.join(wcosmo.available.keys())}. Some of these are fixed pre-defined " "cosmologies while others are parameterized cosmologies. If a parameterized " "cosmology is used the parameters relevant parameters should be included " "in the prior specification." ), ) return parser
[docs] def main(): parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() set_backend(args.backend) result = read_in_result(args.result_file) n_samples = min(args.n_samples, len(result.posterior)) all_samples = dict() posterior = result.posterior.sample(n_samples, replace=False) posterior = do_spin_conversion(posterior) all_samples["posterior"] = posterior with open(args.samples_file, "rb") as ff: samples = dill.load(ff) if "prior" not in samples["original"]: data = dict(original=samples["original"]) evaluate_prior(data, args) samples.update(data) for key in samples["original"]: samples["original"][key] = xp.asarray(samples["original"][key]) if args.n_events: n_draws = args.n_events"Number of draws set to {n_draws}.") else: n_draws = len(samples["names"])"Number of draws equals number of events, {n_draws}.")"Generating observed populations.") args.models = result.meta_data["models"] model = load_model(args) observed_dataset = resample_events_per_population_sample( posterior=posterior, samples=samples["original"], model=model, n_draws=len(samples["names"]), ) for ii, name in enumerate(samples["names"]): new_posterior = pd.DataFrame() for key in observed_dataset: new_posterior[f"{name}_{key}"] = to_numpy(observed_dataset[key][:, ii]) all_samples[name] = new_posterior if args.injection_file is None:"Can't generate predicted populations without VT file.") else:"Generating predicted populations.") args.models = result.meta_data["vt_models"] vt_data = load_injection_data( args.injection_file, ifar_threshold=args.vt_ifar_threshold, snr_threshold=args.vt_snr_threshold, ).to_dict() model = load_model(args) synthetic_dataset = resample_injections_per_population_sample( posterior=posterior, data=vt_data, model=model, n_draws=n_draws, ) for ii in range(n_draws): new_posterior = pd.DataFrame() for key in synthetic_dataset: new_posterior[f"synthetic_{key}_{ii}"] = to_numpy( synthetic_dataset[key][:, ii] ) all_samples[f"synthetic_{ii}"] = new_posterior if args.filename is None: filename = os.path.join(result.outdir, f"{result.label}_full_posterior.hdf5") else: filename = args.filename save_to_common_format( posterior=all_samples, events=samples["names"], filename=filename )
[docs] def do_spin_conversion(posterior): """Utility function to convert between beta distribution parameterizations.""" original_keys = list(posterior.keys()) posterior = prior_conversion(posterior) for key in ["amax", "amax_1", "amax_2"]: if key not in original_keys and key in posterior: del posterior[key] return posterior
[docs] def save_to_common_format(posterior, events, filename): """ Save the data to the common hdf5 format. Parameters ---------- posterior: [np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] The posterior to be saved. events: list The names of each of the events in the dataset. filename: str the output filename """ for key in posterior: if isinstance(posterior[key], pd.DataFrame): posterior[key] = data_frame_to_sarray(posterior[key]) events = [event.encode() for event in events]"Writing data to {filename}") with h5py.File(filename, "w") as ff: for key in posterior: ff[f"samples/{key}"] = posterior[key] ff["events"] = events
[docs] def read_common_format(filename, data_format="numpy"): """ Read a posterior file in the common format Parameters ---------- filename: str The path to the file to read. data_format: str The format to return the data in, can be either `numpy` or `pandas`. Returns ------- output: [np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] The posterior in the requested format. events: list The event names. """ with h5py.File(filename, "r") as ff: data = {key: ff["samples"][key][:] for key in ff["samples"]} events = [event.decode() for event in ff["events"]] if data_format == "numpy": return data, events elif data_format == "pandas": output = dict() for key in data: data_frame = pd.DataFrame() for name in data[key].dtype.names: data_frame[name] = data[key][name] output[key] = data_frame return output, events else: raise ValueError(f"Data format {data_format} not implemented.")
[docs] def resample_events_per_population_sample(posterior, samples, model, n_draws): """ Resample the input posteriors with a fiducial prior to the population informed distribution. This returns a single sample for each event for each passed hyperparameter sample. See, e.g., section IIIC of `Moore and Gerosa <>`_ for a description of the method. Parameters ---------- posterior: pd.DataFrame Hyper-parameter samples to use for the reweighting. samples: dict Posterior samples with the fiducial prior. model: bilby.hyper.model.Model Object that implements a `prob` method that will calculate the population probability. n_draws: int The number of samples to draw. This should generally be the number of events. This will return one sample per input event. Returns ------- observed_dataset: dict The observed dataset of the events with the population informed prior. """ from .utils import maybe_jit @maybe_jit def extract_choices(parameters, seed=None): model.parameters.update(parameters) if hasattr(model, "cosmology_names"): data, jacobian = model.detector_frame_to_source_frame(samples, **parameters) else: data = samples jacobian = 1 weights = model.prob(data) / data["prior"] / jacobian weights = (weights.T / xp.sum(weights, axis=-1)).T if "jax" in xp.__name__: seeds = random.split(random.PRNGKey(seed), len(weights)) choices = [ random.choice(seeds[ii], len(weights[ii]), p=weights[ii]) for ii in range(n_draws) ] else: choices = [ random.choice( len(weights[ii]), p=weights[ii], size=1, ).squeeze() for ii in range(n_draws) ] return xp.asarray(choices) points = posterior.to_dict(orient="records") if "jax" in xp.__name__: from jax import random seeds = np.random.choice(100000, len(posterior)) else: random = xp.random seeds = [None] * len(posterior) inputs = list(zip(points, seeds)) all_choices = xp.asarray( [extract_choices(point, seed) for point, seed in tqdm(inputs)] ) @maybe_jit def resample(samples, choices): return xp.asarray([samples[ii, choice] for ii, choice in enumerate(choices)]) observed_dataset = dict() for key in samples: observed_dataset[key] = to_numpy( xp.asarray([resample(samples[key], choices) for choices in all_choices]) ) return observed_dataset
[docs] def resample_injections_per_population_sample(posterior, data, model, n_draws): """ Resample the input data with a fiducial prior to the population informed distribution. This returns a fixed number of samples for each passed hyperparameter sample. This is designed to be used with found injections. See, e.g., section IIIC of `Moore and Gerosa <>`_ for a description of the method. Parameters ---------- posterior: pd.DataFrame Hyper-parameter samples to use for the reweighting. data: dict Input data samples to be reweighted. model: bilby.hyper.model.Model Object that implements a `prob` method that will calculate the population probability. n_draws: int The number of samples to draw. This should generally be the number of events. This will return one sample per input event. Returns ------- observed_dataset: dict The observed dataset of the input data with the population informed prior. """ from .utils import maybe_jit @maybe_jit def extract_choices(parameters, seed): model.parameters.update(parameters) if hasattr(model, "cosmology_names"): samples, jacobian = model.detector_frame_to_source_frame(data, **parameters) else: samples = data jacobian = 1 weights = model.prob(samples) / samples["prior"] / jacobian weights /= xp.sum(weights) if "jax" in xp.__name__: choices = choice( PRNGKey(seed), len(weights), p=weights, shape=(n_draws,), replace=False, ) else: weights = to_numpy(weights) choices = choice(len(weights), p=weights, size=n_draws, replace=False) return choices if "jax" in xp.__name__: from jax.random import PRNGKey, choice seeds = np.random.choice(100000, len(posterior)) else: # FIXME: cupy.random.choice doesn't support p != None and replace=False # cupy==13.0.0 (240202) from numpy.random import choice seeds = [None] * len(posterior) points = posterior.to_dict(orient="records") inputs = list(zip(points, seeds)) all_choices = to_numpy( xp.asarray([extract_choices(point, seed) for point, seed in tqdm(inputs)]) ) @maybe_jit def resample(data, choices): """ For some reason even this simple function significantly benefits from jit """ return data[choices] synthetic_dataset = dict() for key in data: if not isinstance(data[key], xp.ndarray): continue synthetic_dataset[key] = xp.asarray( [resample(data[key], choices) for choices in all_choices] ) return synthetic_dataset
[docs] def data_frame_to_sarray(data_frame): """ Convert a pandas DataFrame object to a numpy structured array. This is functionally equivalent to but more efficient than `np.array(df.to_array())`. lifted from Parameters ----------- data_frame: pd.DataFrame the data frame to convert Returns ------- output: np.ndarray a numpy structured array representation of df """ types = [ (data_frame.columns[index], data_frame[key].dtype.type) for (index, key) in enumerate(data_frame.columns) ] dtype = np.dtype(types) output = np.zeros(data_frame.values.shape[0], dtype) for (index, key) in enumerate(output.dtype.names): output[key] = data_frame.values[:, index] return output