Functions for collecting input samples from a range of sources and computing the fiducial prior for the appropriate parameters.
The module provides the gwpopulation_pipe_collection executable.
In order to use many of the other functions you will need a class that provides various attributes specified in the gwpopulation_pipe parser.
The standard prior for aligned spin assuming the spin prior extends to maximal. |
Convert a string argument to a dictionary. |
Evaluate the redshift prior assuming a cosmological universe. |
Calculate the prior on luminosity distance given a redshift prior assuming Planck15 cosmology. |
Evaluate the redshift prior assuming a Euclidean universe. |
Evaluate the prior distribution for the input posteriors. |
Load in posteriors from files according to the command-line arguments. |
Load posteriors for some/all events. |
Load the posterior from a hdf5 PESummary file. |
Load the posterior from a json PESummary file. |
Load a posterior from a PESummary meta file. |
Load posterior samples from a csd file. |
Plot a summary of the posteriors for each parameter. |
Compute the Jacobian for the primary mass to chirp mass transformation. |
Map the keys from legacy names to the GWPopulation standards. |